When I would sit for DeeDee
She would pick me up in a camaro
She had sun-in colored brown hair
She had two daughters
Her husband was a truck driver
He drove 16-wheelers
He was away a lot
She called for a sitter
When she needed to party with friends
Her daughters had dirty blonde hair
They showed me the switch
That DeeDee would use
They thought everyone had one
I just listened to their stories
They didn't have cable
Whenever DeeDee talked
She always had a toothpick
In her mouth
She would bite down on it
When she talked
Which sometimes made it hard
To understand her
My sister also sat for her daughters
And we would talk about how DeeDee
Always had the toothpick
In her mouth
And do impressions
Of how she talked
How she said things like yeah a lot
And imagined she would say things like
How much she loved the switch
And then we would start laughing
Because it was so weird
Never met the husband
He was always driving
Except one time when
When my sister was sitting there
The husband came home and asked
Where DeeDee was